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Home owners info

If you own any type of holiday accommodation in the area or are thinking about starting up, please get in touch. We do not require exclusivity and only charge a small commission for the bookings we take. We also beleive that as the owner of the accommodation you should get to reserve the weeks that you want to and with no charge from us.


We also run a property and maintenence service and can arrange anything from cleaning, gardening to having the chimney swept, PAT testing, fire extinguisher servicing and anything else to ensure the smooth running of your holiday home.


We can also advise on most aspects of the setting up and running costs of such a business.


If you are interested in having a page on our website or any of the other services we offer we would be delighted for you to contact us. Please call 01288 331150 or email;


We look forward to hearing from you!



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